Let's Talk Anime

Lists, Reviews, and Rants on Anime and Manga

More LGBT+ Representation in Comics (Part 2) — 04/20/2018

More LGBT+ Representation in Comics (Part 2)

I loved making my last list so I knew I wanted to make another! And of course I’ve found even more adorable comics that focus on the LGBT+ community. I know I didn’t say this before, but all of the comics I’ll recommend in any of these posts will be PG-13 rating or lower, since I’m not so fond of sexual content. Yeah, I’m old enough to handle it, but it just makes me immensely uncomfortable.

So, into the comics! I think I’ll do three recommendations for each post, since it’s a nice number to work with. But, in this one, I have something extra to share at the end.

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LGBT+ Representation in Comics (Part 1) — 09/01/2017

LGBT+ Representation in Comics (Part 1)

Ever since I watched the insane phenomenon that is Yuri!!! On Ice, I’ve been interested in learning about the LGBT+ community. And to do this, I’ve been scouring the internet for webcomics. And of course, the internet delivers to me the sweetest, most heart-wrenching comics to me. What I have listed below are only ones that I am caught up with or finished with. I have others that are on my “to-read” list, and maybe I’ll talk about those in a future post.

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